Friday, October 22, 2010

I suck at puzzles

I just can't seem to visualize how they fit together. I don't see it. I have to learn by trial and error: trying to shove the pieces together in every possible way until it fits. But before I can even do that I have to sort all the pieces into piles based on color. I have to organize myself, prepare, to make those stupid pieces fit into something resembling a picture.

Puzzles in no way excite me. I don't find them fun. I'm terrible with them. But for some reason I try them anyway. And I always bite off more than I can chew. Why couldn't I be happy with a 100 piece puzzle? Noooo! I've got to try the 1000 piece. So here I am. Staring at this huge mound of pieces that I can't possibly see how to put back together. I can't even figure it out using the picture on the box. Was this mess really once something recognizable? And why couldn't it have stayed that way? Who thought cutting it up into one thousand pieces and tossing it into a box would be a good idea?

Some days I'm intensely motivated to work on this huge project. But others I just want to kick the piles away from me and run: some days I do. (This only creates more of a mess, however, and I don't recommend it as a successful strategy for finishing a puzzle in any sort of timely manner).

And no one is really equipped to help me out with this puzzle - besides the Puzzle Maker Himself. And even then, 1000 pieces is a lot. You don't realize how much until you're surrounded: completely closed in by pieces.

I swear this is the biggest puzzle I've ever seen. Did those little puzzles I did as a kid seriously prepare me for this monster?

So far I've got the edges put together. But that's the easy part. And there is a whole freaking load of middle.


  1. I am truly terrible at puzzles, too. I don't even try them any more. Apparently you've inherited my writing skills (and improved on them) and also my hopelessness at putting all those tiny bits into order. (Just so you'll know, Becky is terrific at puzzles, so if you give up on it, take it to Kamas and get some help).

  2. This is why I don't attempt to solve puzzles, of any kind. Jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, crossword puzzles, etc.

    You're a glutton for punishment for undertaking such a task.
