Oh gosh. What a beautiful day!! I'm so happy:]
I opened my acceptance letter to the broadcast journalism major this morning before class while I was on the phone with my daddy (I talk to him every morning on my way to school) and it's just been such a great day!
I am in my happy place right now. I had celebratory cookie dough earlier as a treat and I just woke up from a Glorious nap:] I probably look a mess, but I don't even care! I didn't set an alarm- I wanted perfectly restful sleep with no annoying device waking me up, so I put on Pride & Prejudice (the Keira Knightley version: I've literally watched it over 100 times.... It's what I fall asleep to most every night), and I traveled to Meryton for a blissful nap full of classical music and British accents: a perfect recipe for slumber.
And oh my heart! I woke up to Mr. Darcy walking through a field towards me. It was delightful.

I am a sucker for BBC Dramas. I will never require a man to watch them with me, but they just have to accept that sometimes all I want/need is a good BBC fix. It's like my Snuggie and The O.C.: I can't properly explain my love, but there's definitely a special place in my heart for them all.

I don't know where this picture is from, but I love it. I could definitely have engagement pictures like this. And I've always really loved her dress.
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