Today, I discovered the library.
I use the library quite often for it's central location, perfectly suited for between-class studying, for the quiet atmosphere in which to take a nap, and the crazy hope that I'll meet some interesting and attractive person there.
But today, I actually used the library for its intended purpose. BOOKS.
It's seriously incredible how much information is contained in such a compact space. I had a bunch of books to get today and had to traverse each floor to find them all. It was actually a lot of fun:) And I had such a great feeling of accomplishment after fully participating in the library experience.
I even spent time in Special Collections reading a discourse from 1919. It was at that point that I was struck with how much we take this information for granted. We have so much right at our fingertips. Information is so accessible to us. While it's great to be able to do a few Boolean phrase searches and come up with exactly what we need, there's something majestic about searching through rows and rows and stack upon stacks of Books.
It sounds like paradise to me....I LOVE books!