Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Hair,

Dear Hair,

I've finally got you where I want you: waist-length and Gorgeous.

Thank you for always looking spectacular and for not requiring much effort at all from me.

I'm sorry I went through that phase where I used an evil straightener on you every day.

And I'm sorry I tried to go Blonde that one time. I promise it will never happen again. Also, Thank You for not falling out after I dyed you several more times that weekend so we could look pretty again.

I love how soft and shiny you are. Gosh, we are such a great team. You have amazing natural highlights, and I even forgive you for deciding to become redder and redder over time.

We have been through so much, Hair. The horrible Bangs of elementary school, and the shapelessness of junior high. But we have certainly had some fabulous years as well.

It's time for a significant change, Hair. In a few weeks, we have to grow up. Our long, sassy and beautiful time together is coming to a quick end.

I am so sorry you will never have your Special Day. You would have looked so great with that veil. But things happen for a reason. Next time we'll be sophisticated and totally chic.

So, Hair, Thank You for the fantastically good-looking times you have awarded me. I think you'll still look great even after much of you has fallen from me in piles on the floor. Shorter, lighter, we'll be prepared to take over the world by capturing the hearts of millions through the Screen.

Let's make the best of our last moments together. Because I hate to admit it, but I don't think I'll ever see you like this again.